We updated our terms of use and Privacy .
Sales Tax Exempt Requirements
Sales Tax
Information regarding states in which we collect sales tax.
Tax Exempt
Information regarding tax exempt qualifications and enrollment.
- About Tax Exemption
Tax-exempt status is typically available for qualifying Businesses, Governments, Non-Profit Entities and Educational Institutions. All users who make tax exempt purchases with a business account on behalf of the business are subject to our Terms of Use.
- Tax Exemption Enrollment
In order to apply your tax-exempt status to eligible purchases, the business Account Administrator must enroll in our tax exemption program available below. The tax exempt wizard will guide you through the process of enrolling in our program. Your tax-exempt status will usually be activated upon completing enrollment, unless you are required to upload your certificate in which approval can take up to 24 hours. You can also use this tool to edit or update your status or to add additional tax exemptions in the future. Enroll Here by creating a new account and begin the tax exemption / resale process from your Account Dashboard.
- For more information
If you have any questions regarding tax exemption, you can email us at [email protected] or contact Customer Care team.